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EyeStrain For a person to obtain clear vision, the focusing power of the eye’s cornea (front of eye) and lens (eye’s focusing mechanism) must result in the image of an object falling on the retina (back of eye). When this does not occur, the eye is said to be ametropic. There are three different classes… Read More
Glaucoma The eye has an internal fluid (aqueous) which maintains a pressure inside the eye, referred to as the intraocular pressure. If drainage of this fluid is disrupted, the pressure within the eye rises and may result in glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease process that occurs when the nerves that transmit information from the eyes… Read More
Optic Nerve
Optic Nerve Damage Papilloedema is a condition whereby there is a swelling of the optic nerve (transmits messages from the eye to the brain) due to elevation of the pressure of the fluid, inside the skull. Visual symptoms may include transient bouts of visual blurring, along with double vision followed by complete recovery. It is… Read More