Upper Neck Stiffness Cervical Joint Dysfunction: Upper neck problems are a common cause of referred pain into the head region. Research has demonstrated how the nerves in the upper neck (when irritated), can send pain signals into the head and face regions; researchers believe this happens because the nerves supplying the skin and other sensitive… Read More
Neck Pain
Muscular Trigger points
Muscular Trigger Points Muscular ‘trigger points’ commonly refer to discrete areas within a muscle which send a sensation of pain to an adjacent area; when pressed upon. Researchers believe that these points consist of tight areas within a muscle which are extraordinarily sensitive, due to a build up of wastes and chemicals which the body… Read More
Tension type headaches
Tension Type Headaches This category of headaches is not well defined in the literature and is often a diagnosis given for aching or tightness around the back of the skull, temples, and even in around the forehead; of variable intensity and duration, but often long lasting and commonly related to stress and tightness in the… Read More
Neuralgia (Nerve Pain) Occipital Neuralgia: This condition is believed to be due to irritation to the main sensory nerve in the back of the head; (that which supplies all of the skin and pain sensitive structures in the upper neck and back of skull). It is believed that this irritation may be caused by tightness in… Read More