Ear, Nose and Throat problems- such as sinusitis, ear infections, tonsilitis all cause irritation to the nerves around the face and head and can cause or contribute to Headaches and Migraines.
An Ear, Nose and Throat 'ENT' specialist is an expert in this field.
Ear, Nose and Throat specialists are experts at dealing with problems in these areas, and the first course of action is to obtain an accurate diagnosis before any treatment is commenced. A comprehensive Migraine treatment or Headache treatment program should always incorporate management of ear, nose and throat issues, when appropriate.
Once the problem(s) have been identified, there are a number of treatment options that may be suggested- ranging from dietary changes to surgical procedures and medications. In cases where other problems may be contributing to a patients head-pain; a referral will usually be suggested to seek the appropriate opinion(s) and / or treatments.
All cases of headache & migraine need to be properly diagnosed by a trained health care professional first.your family doctor is ideally positioned to help make decisions with you and co-ordinate any therapeutic trials. Many cases have a number of causes (not just one), so it is important to consider a combination of therapies / or approaches when this is the case.
Head Pain Articles by Head Pain Experts
Eye Pain
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Nose and Sinus Pain
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Dental and Jaw Pain
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Brain and Nerve Pain
Post Trauma Headaches and other problems Post Trauma Headaches and other problems Post trauma headaches are a common result of ‘concussion’, where there has been a blow to the head or sudden jolting of the head (ie: car accident, falling off a horse). It is very important to get these headaches properly investigated by a… Read More
Ear Pain
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Dietary Triggers & lifestyles-HeadPain
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Pain Relievers
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Neck Pain and Headaches & Migraines
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Other Causes of Headache & Migraines
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Pain Reliever Medication Overuse syndromes
Overuse of symptomatic medications among chronic (transformed) migraine patients: profile of drug consumption. Chronic daily headache and chronic (transformed) migraine (TM) patients represent more than one third of the subjects seen in specialized headache centers. Most of these patients may overuse symptomatic medications (SM) taken on a daily basis to relieve headache and associated symptoms. This can… Read More