- Post Trauma Headaches and other problems Post Trauma Headaches and other problems Post trauma headaches are a common result of ‘concussion’, where there has been a blow to the head or sudden jolting of the head (ie: car accident, falling off a horse). It is very important to get these headaches properly investigated by a medical expert, as there may be more serious …
- Nerve Infections Nerve Infections Some infections such as Meningitis can cause headaches and migraine like symptoms. Usually these cases will also be accompanied by the associated symptoms of an infection (such as fever, rash, and feeling unwell); but this may not be the case in all patients. Other symptoms can include stiffness in the neck (usually of sudden …
- Intracranial Pressure Brain / nerve pains IntraCranial Pressure: pressure within the skull INCREASED PRESSURE INSIDE THE SKULL The brain is surrounded by fluid called ‘cerebrospinal’ fluid which bathes it with nutrients, and provides a cushion for the sensitive nerve cells (called neurones) which make up much of the brain tissue. The pressure of this fluid is usually held fairly constant, …
- Brain-Nerve Tumours Brain-Nerve Tumours Tumours in and around the brain can certainly cause headaches, but fortunately they are fairly rare in occurrence. Depending on the type of tumour and the location, symptoms will vary. Most often there is a slow progressive increase in pressure inside the skull (as the tumour grows), so symptoms are usually also slow and progressive …
- Brain Haemorrhages Brain Haemorrhages The blood vessels within the skull are sensitive to pain stimuli, as to are the surrounding membranes that hold the brain in the correct position. When a blood vessel ruptures (either spontaneously or due to trauma / or pressure), it usually causes a sudden, severe headache, and may displace some of the brain tissue and …
- Brain and Nerve Diseases and Damage Brain and Nerve Diseases and Damage Some conditions involve inflammation or degeneration of nerve tissue in the brain, spinal cord, and / or nerves in the body itself. This situation can cause irritation to these nerves and consequently can lead to pain in the head and face regions. Multiple Sclerosis is one such condition, and headaches are …