General Ear Pain:Problems Headache Secondary to Diseases of the Ear, Nose & Throat Headache Introduction:In preparing notes for a lay persons web site about the ear, nose and throat causes of headache, one must appreciate that only a brief and incomplete description of the causes, clinical presentation, investigation and management of these conditions can be… Read More
Ear Pain
Referred Ear pain: Otalgia
Referred Ear Pain: Otalgia Ear pain is known as otalgia. The ear is generally described in three parts: outer, middle and inner. Different conditions can affect each of these separately or can progressively involve all parts of the ear bone and its surrounding structures. Pain, especially constant or worsening pain about the ear, is a… Read More
Inner Ear Pain
Inner Ear The ear is generally described in three parts: outer, middle and inner. Different conditions can affect each of these separately or can progressively involve all parts of the ear bone and its surrounding structures. Pain , especially constant or worsening pain about the ear, is a serious symptom and must be carefully assessed… Read More
Middle Ear Pain
Middle Ear pain The ear is generally described in three parts: outer, middle and inner. Different conditions can affect each of these separately or can progressively involve all parts of the ear bone and its surrounding structures. Pain , especially constant or worsening pain about the ear, is a serious symptom and must be carefully… Read More
Outer Ear Pain
Outer Ear Pain The ear is generally described in three parts: outer, middle and inner. Different conditions can affect each of these separately or can progressively involve all parts of the ear bone and its surrounding structures. Pain , especially constant or worsening pain about the ear, is a serious symptom and must be carefully… Read More